
Chickens Are Not the Only Eggs Layers

Chickens Are Not the Only Eggs Layers

Chickens are domesticated birds that can weigh a few ounces (Banty) or fifteen pounds (Jersey Giant). They can be good mothers (Buff Orpington) or never go broody (White Leghorn). Their primary purpose in life seems to be the stirring up of dirt, compost, food, and leaves. They LOVE to scratch. Their second purpose and the one most people are familiar with is laying eggs. Eggs are amazing when laid by healthy happy hens and can be used for hatching out new chickens or for our families to eat and sell. 
My favorite laying hens are Barred Rocks because their roosters are gentle and the hens generally don't go broody. There are even chickens that have colors identifying their sex when they hatch (Black Sexlink). If you want a really ugly chicken then get a Turken! There are so many specialized breeds that every farm or backyard homestead can find a perfect fit. With such huge variation even just in the chicken world I really wanted to point out the other egg laying birds that can enhance your farm with their skills and personalities. 

Chickens Are Not the Only Eggs Layers